Why Uganda, Liane?
Well it all started several years ago when we were reviewing our options for retirement to see if it was possible for us to retire at 55. The question then arises what to do in retirement? Rex seemed to have many options open to him. I began to ponder as to what it was I would do. Between work and home there wasn’t much time to develop many hobbies. Perhaps finish all those unfinished quilting and scrapbooking projects? Continue with part-time work? The question continued to roll around in my head on the way to Church one Sunday.
That Sunday Margery Hobbs (in her 70’s) gave a presentation of her recent visit to the Bushikori Christian Centre in Uganda. Due to the aids epidemic and the brutality of Idi Amin many children were living in poverty without parents or many families were living together with one grandparent. Some families from Geelong decided to support Pastor Sam Wandendeya’s vision and sponsor some children, build a health facility and school. Whilst watching her video it was like a light bulb went on in my head – you can do that! I believe it was one of those God inspired moments because I certainly wouldn’t have ever picked going to Africa, further touring of Australia, Europe and visiting Israel have always appealed to me.
Over the years the idea seemed to grow and after sponsoring a couple of children we decided to begin to plan for a visit. Again we wrestled with was this what we were meant to be doing? How effective could our visit be? Would it be better to just send over a donation? After prayerful consideration we were unexpectedly given some money (from someone who didn’t know our plans) which covered our air fares to Uganda! We then took this as a confirming sign and began to look into organising our trip in more detail and tacking on a holiday to Europe as well. So here we are with 3 weeks to go, about to embark on a journey not really knowing what to expect but hoping to meet our sponsor children, spend some time in the school and see how the whole BCC runs. How do I feel? Excited – a new adventure. Curious – to learn more. A little apprehensive - considering the humid weather. Expectant – of what I don’t really know.
Why Uganda, Rex?
Because Liane is going, somebody’s got to look after her! Initially I was reluctant to go on this adventure. I was comfortable with a safe trip to Europe with all its western comforts but Uganda seemed unsafe indeed, the possibility of getting sick or catching some strange tropical disease concerned me. However I was keen to visit our sponsor kids and see what was happening at Bushikori, so after talking it over with God, He assured me I would be fine, not to worry and that I was to go and enjoy the experience he has planned for us.
Well it all started several years ago when we were reviewing our options for retirement to see if it was possible for us to retire at 55. The question then arises what to do in retirement? Rex seemed to have many options open to him. I began to ponder as to what it was I would do. Between work and home there wasn’t much time to develop many hobbies. Perhaps finish all those unfinished quilting and scrapbooking projects? Continue with part-time work? The question continued to roll around in my head on the way to Church one Sunday.
That Sunday Margery Hobbs (in her 70’s) gave a presentation of her recent visit to the Bushikori Christian Centre in Uganda. Due to the aids epidemic and the brutality of Idi Amin many children were living in poverty without parents or many families were living together with one grandparent. Some families from Geelong decided to support Pastor Sam Wandendeya’s vision and sponsor some children, build a health facility and school. Whilst watching her video it was like a light bulb went on in my head – you can do that! I believe it was one of those God inspired moments because I certainly wouldn’t have ever picked going to Africa, further touring of Australia, Europe and visiting Israel have always appealed to me.
Over the years the idea seemed to grow and after sponsoring a couple of children we decided to begin to plan for a visit. Again we wrestled with was this what we were meant to be doing? How effective could our visit be? Would it be better to just send over a donation? After prayerful consideration we were unexpectedly given some money (from someone who didn’t know our plans) which covered our air fares to Uganda! We then took this as a confirming sign and began to look into organising our trip in more detail and tacking on a holiday to Europe as well. So here we are with 3 weeks to go, about to embark on a journey not really knowing what to expect but hoping to meet our sponsor children, spend some time in the school and see how the whole BCC runs. How do I feel? Excited – a new adventure. Curious – to learn more. A little apprehensive - considering the humid weather. Expectant – of what I don’t really know.
Why Uganda, Rex?
Because Liane is going, somebody’s got to look after her! Initially I was reluctant to go on this adventure. I was comfortable with a safe trip to Europe with all its western comforts but Uganda seemed unsafe indeed, the possibility of getting sick or catching some strange tropical disease concerned me. However I was keen to visit our sponsor kids and see what was happening at Bushikori, so after talking it over with God, He assured me I would be fine, not to worry and that I was to go and enjoy the experience he has planned for us.
hey mum and dad!
you haven't left yet but i'd just thought i'd say i'm glad you gave the option for people to leave comments on here without having to sign up for an account.
Hope you have an awesome time!
love nick.
Why Uganda?
Why not?
i agree jules!
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